All Green for our beautiful world!

We have just withdrawn over 150 products from our store, because we're sick of plastic in our world. Due to our collective addiction to oil-derived fibres, materials, chemicals and even medicines, we are killing our own world. Petrochemical oil is poison for us, ontaminating our food, water, and even our air. It causes hormonal imbalance, cancer, and cromosome damage. Our addiction is killing us.

Right now petrochemical production is subsidised and promoted with the tax dollars of people in many different countries around the world. If oil drilling, transportation and refining were reliant on the cash flow from the sales of the product, it would be fabulously more expensive than at present. All of the chemicals and fibres derived from oil would be unaffordable. Many things would not exist in their present form, but many problems for the environment would also be alleviated.

It's time. We must go green, or go away.

We choose to switch and fight for our Earth!

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